Mason Band
The Mason Band is one of the premier high school band programs in the country, having been awarded the Sudler Flag of Honor and the Sudler Shield
The William Mason High School Marching Band consistently ranks among the top high school marching ensembles in the country. To achieve this level of success the marching band rehearses for 25-28 hours per week during the school year in addition to nearly 250 hours of rehearsal during the summer. That is a huge commitment and a lot of hard work. And yet, about 300 students choose to participate every year. That is because the marching band is a uniquely rewarding experience that sees members embody discipline, hard work, and excellence.
I was lucky enough to serve as a section leader for 3 years out of my 4 years in the program. Through this role, I personally oversaw ~40 students, taught basic marching skills, regularly conducted section meetings, and led the planning of section events. And win The Outstanding Leader Award, The Senior Recognition Award, The Outstanding Freshman Award over the years.
Similarly, the mason concert band program is one of the finest programs in the country, being named a 2021 National Winner for the National Wind Band Honors Competition. The top band, Wind Symphony, is structured similarly to a college ensemble, meaning participation in Wind Symphony is highly selective and requires multiple hours of at-home preparation per week.
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